4 Fantastic Themes for Your Easter Party
If you’re anything like us, hosting a party has to be memorable. You either go big or go home. And one way to do that is with a theme. A theme allows creativity, excitement, and anticipation for the big day. Not only for you but also for your guests.
This Easter Sunday, release your creative outlet by hosting a fantastic Easter-themed party.
1. Easter Garden
With the Spring season in full effect, an Easter Garden theme is fitting for those who love what the season brings. Make Easter baskets with seasonal ingredients like fresh fruits, veggies, and homemade jam. Incorporate an activity of arranging floral arrangements and using flowers in a season like Tulips, Lilys& Snapdragons.
An Easter Garden theme is perfect for those who want to keep decor around for the spring season.
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2. Easter Bunny
Pay homage to The Easter Bunny with playful bunny theme festivities. Hang bunny faces across your walls and eat all the bunny snacks. If you want to take entertaining to another level, book the easter bunny to stop by and visit (or have a friend dress in the suit).
Hand out bunny ears as surveyors and make bunny masks for arts and crafts. Looking for a game? Chubby Bunny is a crowd favorite.
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3. Pastels
Don't want to commit to a specific theme, a pastel party is the way to go. Fill your home with all of Easters Magic! Bunnies, eggs, lambs, and flowers are all symbols of the holiday. Incorporate a tea party and fill the table with beautiful pastel treats. Or paint interactive easter coloring pictures with pastel colors.
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4. Egg-tastic Easter
The “Egg-tastic” Easter theme is our favorite. With the symbolization of an egg representing new life and resurrection, having this at the center of your gathering is a great way to show the true meaning of Easter.
Fill the day with decorating eggs, an Easter egg hunt, or even a good old fashion egg toss for the older kids and the adults.
Ideal for those who love easy but interactive parties.
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